Thursday, March 12, 2015

Not satisfied with dragging the names of 6 college students in the mud for ratings, yellow journalist Gina Silva aims to start McCarthyism-style witch hunt against UC Irvine prankster.

Pictured above, Fox News LA affiliate Gina Silva

Gina Silva is an affiliate of Fox News LA, a publication that has purposely misconstrued facts about about UC Irvine Flag issue to generate hyperbolic titles in order to generate attention to their publications (example ).

In exploiting UC Irvine's internal affairs for ratings, they have also printed the names of those involved in the student government legislation, effectively dragging their names through the mud. Now, Gina Silva is looking to drag one more, as explained in her article

The student in question yelled 'Fuck her right in the pussy' during a segment on the UCI Flag issue. The phrase is a common prank done to reporters; many incidents (and even an exclusive interview by the person who started the prank) can be viewed by typing 'fuck her right in the pussy' on Youtube (

Although the intent is now known, it may have something to due with yellow journalists, like Gina Silva, purposely misconstruing facts about an internal UC Irvine affair to gain more attention to their publications, resulting in the school's name being dragged through the mud. Concerns about this media attention affecting the job prospects of graduating seniors in prevalent on campus.

Gina was justifiably upset. However, in writing about her experiences, she purposely misconstrued the context of the phrase, claiming it was coming from a place of misogyny. She then makes a call for a McCarthyism-style witch hunt to out this student, and requests personal identity information of anyone suspected to be the student in question be sent to an email address they provided.

In both the article and news segment, concerns of possibly slandering the wrong student were not addressed.

As of 3/12/2015 3:00 am PST, the following was taken from Gina's article.

"Here's the thing: these people think they can hide behind a sort-of anonymity. They do it, then run and we do nothing about it. In fact, we try to hide it, act like it never happened.

No, I think we need to start outing these people for the disgusting cowards that they are. Let their families, employers, prospective employers, religious leaders know who they are. Maybe they'll think twice before they yell disgusting things right into the faces of people just trying to do their jobs.

To my fellow reporters, I hope you too take a stand against this type of behavior.

If you know this person, please email us at with more information. Thanks!"

In the video included in the article, Gina's colleagues try to talk her out of her witch hunt, informing about the prevalence of the prank, and suggesting that attention is what the prankster in question is looking for. The colleagues failed to bring up the possibility of slandering the wrong student, which could potentially ruin job prospects to a completely innocent bystander.

However, Gina was adamant about continuing her hunt, reiterating for people to contact the station about any personal information anyone who could be the student in question. She specifically states that aim of her witch hunt is to out him to his current and potential employers.

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